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Submission & Publication Process

The following procedure will be adopted by the authors for a manuscript processing.

  1. Manuscript has to be submitted through editor's email ( or Register Here
  2. The editorial team will notify the authors about the manuscript processing fee Non-refundable (Rs. 5000/-). There is no fee for authors outside Pakistan.
  3. After the processing fee submission, the author will have to notify and sent original receipt to the editorial team through email.
  4. After receiving the receipt CURJ editorial team will have to send the manuscript for desk review/initial screening process.
  5. After passing the desk review the author(s) will be notified and the manuscript will be sent for review process (2nd review) as per Higher Education Commission (HEC) requirements for Category Y.
  6. After receiving a review of the manuscript, the author(s) will be notified for publication fee submission (Rs. 10000/- or equivalent), only if the manuscript will be accepted.
  7. For publication fee, the author(s) will require to adopt the same procedure as per step 3.
  8. After receiving the publication fee, the authors will be notified for the way forward.